About Me

Who Am I?

My name is Wilson. I'm a recent UChicago graduate with a passion for data science, startups, software, and initiatives for social good. Currently, I am helping several startups build out data pipelines and perform statistical analysis. I love hearing about new ideas and working with new people - if you have any data-related needs, feel free to reach out!

In my spare time, I play basketball, piano, guitar, video games, write, and volunteer to help refugees. I also read machine learning papers and textbooks to better understand the field.


Social Good

Data Science

What I do

How can I help you?

Data Consulting

I can analyze the data you have using traditional ML/statistical techniques and give you actionable insights.

Data Mining

I can setup data pipelines, scrape websites, and write APIs for easy data retrieval.

Deep Learning

I can train cutting-edge Deep Learning models on your data and explain the results to you.


Work Experience

Quantitative Research Intern @ Quantedge USA 6/2018-9/2018

Created and backtested trading strategies for forex and commodity futures markets. Read cutting-edge economic theory to develop these strategies. Also used machine learning techniques to improve portfolio allocation.

Software Development Intern @ SAP 6/2016-8/2016

Supported development of several consumer site features. Helped install new Apache Spark/HDFS system to speed up search feature.

My Work


Predictive Model for Indie Artist Performance

The client wanted to use indie artist data (including spotify, facebook, youtube, wikipedia, etc.) to predict the performance of a newly released record. I was able to piece together these various sources of data and find several statistically significant indicators of future indie artist performance.

Data Mining/NLP Solution for Nutrition Website

My client created NatureClaim, a website that tells consumers scientifically verified facts about nutritional supplements. He was doing all the data entry by hand. To help him, I designed a data pipeline to scrape data from USDA and PubMed, and then used NLP to parse the scraped data for useful nutritional information.

Replication of Deepmind Atari Algorithm

In 2013, Deepmind published a landmark paper where they used a combination of reinforcement and deep learning to achieve human-level performance on several Atari games. I attempted to replicate this algorithm, writing a completely original implementation of it. There are still some issues, but I've learned a lot so far.

Beautiful Maps

I created my own E-commerce site. I did all the work, including product sourcing, buying Facebook/Google Ads, responding to customer emails, etc. Go check it out at beautifulmaps.org!
My Blog

Selected Posts

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com

Coup Strategy Part 1

An investigation of how to optimally play the board game Coup.

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com

Why is League of Legends so Addicting?

What is so special about League of Legends that makes people play it hours on end?

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com

Dumbledore might be a Sociopath

I explain why Dumbledore isn't the super benevolent father figure that many people see him as.

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